Greetings from the President

In any age or field, successful people have one thing in common: they have experienced a variety of failures.
Many successful people have understood that even if they fail, it is important and essential to think over the reasons, and to understand the meaning of that failure.

Thomas Edison said, “To date, I have never failed―not once.,” saying that the reason was because “I have found 10,000 ways that [a light bulb] won't work.” From this, you get a sense of how failure is indispensable to attaining success, and how important positive thinking is.

“Failure is not meaningless.” Every challenge has a meaning, so we must make it meaningful. We learn from our mistakes and try once again to succeed. In the more than 50 years since my grandfather founded our company, we have made many mistakes. However, this is only proof that we have never stopped challenging ourselves, ; and these experiences have become SUNLIFE’s foundation and its strength.

We have the society we live in today as the result of a great deal of trial and error by our predecessors. Taking on challenges is equivalent to the same thing as creating a future for yourself. Going forward, SUNLIFE will continue striving to go on being a company that always takes on challenges.

SUNLIFE has its own unique knowledge, technology, culture, and history that we have cultivated by devoting ourselves to the implement that is the chopstick. As a professional chopstick manufacturer, we at SUNLIFE do our utmost to address the various needs of our clients. Feel free to talk to us. We will do our best to resolve your issues, sparing no effort in doing so.

The phrase “reject and then realize,” is part of our corporate philosophy, and it means to aim for higher self-realization instead of being satisfied with the status way things are. With this approach constantly in mind, we work together as a team in everything we do.

Thank you, and we look forward to your continued patronage and support.

Tomoki Takeda
President and Representative Director

Corporate mission

  • SAFE
  • NOT

Company Overview

Company Name SUNLIFE Co., Ltd.
Head Office(Access Map)
6-13-1 Fukutani, Obama-shi, Fukui-ken 917-0001, Japan(Access Map)
Tokyo Design Office
208 GRAVA, 4-15-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Representative Tomoki Takeda, Representative Director

Founded: September 1, 1965

Incorporated: January 18, 1985

Capital 20 million yen
Lines of business Chopsticks and related products
No. of employees 26
Main suppliers WAKASANURI CENTER Co., Ltd. and 50 other companies
Purchasers Nationwide household goods wholesalers, lacquerware and pottery wholesalers, gift and tourism product wholesalers, traders (exporters), and others

Trading Results

Our International Track Record

Company History

September 1, 1965 Founded as Takeda Shoten
January 18, 1985 Incorporated as SUNLIFE Co., Ltd.
Kiyoshi Takeda becomes Representative Director
Head office established in Fukutani, Obama City
November 6, 1995 Masaki Takeda becomes Representative Director
September 27, 2000 Capital increased from 10 million yen to 20 million yen
October 21, 2007 Yasunori Iseki becomes Representative Director
Former President Masaki Takeda becomes Chairman of the Board.
4 full-time directors appointed
July 10, 2008 Construction of Fukutani No.1 Warehouse
May 31, 2010 Launched Replus to design and develop chopsticks to match Western-style crockery.
April 1, 2011 Opened design office in Ikejiri, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
October 21, 2011 Relocated to a newly built head office (6-13-1 Fukutani, Obama City)
November 11, 2015 Moved Tokyo Design Office to 208 GRAVA, 4-15-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
July 1, 2021 Tomoki Takeda becomes President and a Representative Director
Former president Yasunori Iseki becomes Chairman of the Board and a Representative Director